Use email list to build brand awareness BEFORE the email campaign.
SYNOPSIS: What is the #1 reason email recipients open an email message? Answer: FROM LINE - “Sender Name.” 46% of survey respondents indicate that familiarity with Sender Name was the primary reason for Opening an email message. This simple fact alone drives home the point that building “brand awareness” is a sure way to increase email open rates.
FROM LINE: Typically, “before” opening the email message, the FROM LINE is the first item that an email recipient glances, thus if there is a conscious or unconscious familiarity with the email Sender’s Name … then the likelihood of opening the message goes way up!
SUB-CONSCIOUS POWER OF WEB DISPLAY ADS: When surfing the web we constantly see display ads, though we rarely click on these display ads, BUT no doubt the split-second glances embed an image into our brain … which is one reason why billions are spent on display ads each year. And greater the number of these split-second glances (ad impressions), the greater familiarity our brain will have with the name / brand.
SOLUTION: One or two weeks before the email campaign – we will serve display ads to names on your email list … ad impression after ad impression … with the goal of embedding the email Sender’s name into the email recipient’s consciousness … thus increasing email open rate.
SUBJECT LINE – DISPLAY AD CONTINUITY: Along with building brand awareness for the Email Sender name, the IP display campaign also offers the opportunity to build awareness for a phrase/tagline that will also appear in the Subject Line … this continuity will further build brand awareness … thus boosting email Open rates. For example, if the eye is glancing ad display ads that constantly read “X is cheaper than Y,” then that same eye will have an awareness when seeing that same phrase in the email subject line … thus increasing likelihood that recipient will open the email message.
MORE BENEFITS: Along with increasing email open rates, the brand awareness generated from an digital display ad campaign will also boost results for other campaigns … direct mail campaign, Google Ad Words Campaign, etc.
NOTE 1: This article focuses on getting the email “Opened.” Once the email is Opened, then there’s the next challenge … presenting an email creative that captures attention … drives the recipient to Click. For insights on this issue have your account executive provide the PDF on Email Creative Tips.
NOTE 2: After Sender Name familiarity, Subject Line is the #2 factor affecting email open rates.