Append active email addresses ... NOT passive email addresses!
What are passive email addresses? Like most people you probably have at least one passive email address … which is simply an email address that is rarely checked. Could be an email address that was created years ago but is no longer used; the email address is still deliverable … but never checked. Passive email address could also be an email address that we frequently use when requesting free info … a trick to avoid receiving a deluge of promotional emails to our primary email address. There are a multitude of reasons why most of us have passive email addresses.
Passive vs Active Consumer Email Append: Did your consumer email append provider mainly append passive or active email addresses? Facebook is one way to answer this key question … as most Facebook users give Facebook their primary – active email address. Another option is split your email append among multiple email append providers and then measure the Open/Click rates; the email append vendor with the highest Open/Click rate is obviously appending the most active email addresses.

Consumer Email Data Append - Reality Note: Every email data append provider will have a mixture of passive vs active email addresses … nature of the beast. However, the key point is the percentage. Our research shows that all the low-cost email data append providers are appending passive email addresses … for the simple reason that passive email addresses are very cheap to acquire and re-sell. Active email addresses are sourced from some of America’s largest and most reputable merchants … thus significant data royalties are required for the premium data … royalties which are of course rolled-into the active email append price.
Why the high email data append match rate? As a sly way to get a high email append match rate … and more money … some email append suppliers will append any email address within the household. Example, they will append the teenage daughter’s email address for John Smith Sr. Example:
Contact Name = Jim Jones. Email Address =
Contact Name = Jim Jones. Email Address =
Another reality check: as with the active/passive issue, all email append vendors will a have degree of error … appending email address for the wrong household member – impossible to avoid; thus the goal is to measure the “degree” of error. Which email append vendor has the highest wrong household member rate? A quick way to compare is to simply calculate the percentage of email addresses that have a strong affinity rate to the contact name. DMDatabases can provide this name affinity - email append report.
FREE POSTAL ADDRESS CLEANSING: To maximize email append rates – it’s imperative that postal addresses are clean, updated, standardized per USPS regulations. We provide this service at no cost.
EMAIL DATA APPEND QUALITY: Of course, all email data append suppliers promise quality, BUT note that our appended opt-in email addresses have a “money-refund” accuracy guarantee!
CONSUMER EMAIL APPEND COST: Rates run from 2 to 10 cents per appended email address; final rate based on input / match quantity. Complete below Info Request Form for rates / info.
- DEMOGRAPHICS / PSYCHOGRAPHICS: When combined with an email append, you may receive a discounted demographic / psychographic data append: age, income, net worth, home value, race/ethnicity, # of persons in household, marital status, auto type, interest in golf, tennis, photography, environment, etc.
- PROFILE ANALYSIS: When combined with an email append, you may receive a discounted Profile Analysis Report … a 100+ page report that describes in detail the profile of your file. The Profile Analysis will give you insights about which segments are performing the best … insights that can be applied to all of your marketing campaigns (direct mail, email, digital, etc).
- PROSPECTING EMAIL CAMPAIGN: When combined with an email append, you may also receive a discounted email campaign. You simply provide us with the creative, and we will email blast your offer to the appended email records.