Absentee owners list for direct mail, email, SMS, digital ads
Absentee Owner Marketing Database may include:
Owner Name
Owner Email Address
Owner Primary Address
Owner Landline/Mobile Phone
Absentee Property Address
Name of Renter (if there’s a renter)
Years Renting the Property
Applications for the Absentee Property Owners List
Use Absentee List to Offer Real Estate Management Services
Use Absentee List to Reach Aggressive Investors … real estate investors typically have a higher risk tolerance than non RE investors.
Use Absentee List to Reach AirBnB, VBRO Hosts
Use Absentee List to Reach Cash Rich Investors … many absentee owners have a positive monthly income from their properties.
Use Absentee List to Reach Motivated Home Sellers (below section offers more insight on this point)
Use Absentee List to Reach Real Estate Property Buyers … absentee owners are often looking to expand their real estate portfolio.
Use Absentee List to Create a Motivated Real Estate Sellers Marketing List
Of course, not all absentee owners are motivated, though typically absentee owners with far away properties are more likely to be motivated than an absentee owner that has a rental property in the same city, and for this reason we recommend using our owner proximity filter for finding motivated home sellers. Age is another effective filter for finding motivated real estate sellers; example, seniors are typically more motivated than much younger absentee property owners. Mortgage Profile is another way to generate motivated real estate seller leads; for example, an absentee owner that is underwater is more likely to be motivated than an owner with lots of equity. Long-term absentee owners are also solid motivated seller leads as owners can get tired of managing a property.
Customize absentee property owners mailing list by owner proximity:
Absentee owners residing within 60 miles of their absentee property.
Absentee owners residing in the same state as their absentee property.
Absentee owners residing in a different state than their absentee property.
Customize absentee property owners mailing list by ownership type:
Absentee properties owned by an individual.
Absentee properties owned by an LLC/Corporate Entity.
Customize absentee property owners email list by property type:
Commercial Industrial
Commercial Office
Commercial Retail
Mobile Home
Vacant Land
Other Filters for Customizing Absentee Property Marketing List
Value of Absentee Property
Sq Footage of Absentee Property
Loan Type
Mortgage/Purchase Date
How to use your absentee owners marketing list: Getting your brand/offer in front of absentee owners is challenging as our research shows that this unique group is busy – always on the go – and always being pitched by someone. To maximize success – you need to use multiple channels and below are a few:
Household Display Ad Campaign: Spouses are often involved with properties (often even on the deed), and for this reason DMD will serve your display ads to the household … meaning all household members will see your brand/offer when surfing the web from the home internet server.
Individual Display Ad Campaign: DMD will serve your displays ads directly to the absentee property owner … directly to the owner’s smartphone or other personal device (laptop, etc).
Absentee Owner Email List OR Email Campaign: DMD can execute your email campaign, and then provide you with names of the absentee owners that clicked on your display ad. Or, if you would rather execute your own email campaign, then of course DMD can provide you with an email list of the absentee owners.
Direct Mail Campaign: At a very low cost DMD can mail a large postcard to the absentee owners in your specified geographic area. And to reiterate – the mail will go to the absentee owner’s primary residence … not the rental property address.
Other real estate investors marketing lists:
- Commercial Real Estate Investors: CLICK HERE
- Residential Real Estate Investors: CLICK HERE
- Luxury Real Estate Leads: CLICK HERE
- Vacant Property Owners: CLICK HERE