New Construction Home Buyers Mailing List - Email List
Just in the last quarter the New Construction Home Buyers Mailing List quantity exceeded 357,000. Unlike existing homes, newly constructed home buyers need to spend more money than buyers of existing homes. Here are just some of the items that newly constructed home buyers will need to spend money on: new curtain rods, new appliances, new gutter guards, new cable lines, new security lights, new shrubs, new carpeting, new security system, new electrical monitor device, new plumbing monitor devices / apps, new HVAC control apps, new smoke alarms, new fencing, new ceiling fans, new light fixtures, new window shades, new painting, etc. And all of these new products are required even if the home buyer is coming from an existing SFD. Plus, also remember that buyers of existing homes will often just inherit the existing service providers (landscaper, alarm provider, HVAC Maintenance provider, maid service, etc.), however, newly constructed home buyers can’t default to pre-existing service providers.
Average Monthly SFD New Construction Home Buyers Mailing List Quantity: 117,000
Average Quarterly SFD New Construction Home Buyers Mailing List Quantity: 352,000
Average Annual SFD New Construction Home Buyers Mailing List Quantity: 1,400,000
New Construction Home Buyers Database Includes:
Full Name of Home Buyer: 95+ percent accurate or money-refund!
Postal Address of Home Buyer: 95+ percent accurate or money-refund!
Email Address of Home Buyer: 95+ percent accurate or money-refund!
Customize Newly Constructed Home Buyers Mailing List:
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Average Home Value
Geography (Zip Code, County, Metro, National)
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