Buy New Movers Mailing List - Email Lists with a Money-Refund Accuracy Guarantee!
The nationwide New Mover Mailing List quantity exceeds a whopping 7,000,000 new movers … a mailing list quantity beyond most marketing budgets, though the good news is that we offer an array of filters for lowering the mailing list quantity … by customizing the new mover mailing list for your specific offer. Example, you may opt to buy just new renters within a specific geographic area. As shown below … there are countless ways to select – customize your New Movers mailing list.
SEGMENT YOUR NEW MOVERS MAILING LIST: Not all new mover leads are the same, thus we offer an array of filters to help segment your New Mover marketing list: Distance of Move, Previous Address, Previous Dwelling Type, New Dwelling Type, Date of Move, New Homeowner vs Renter, Highrise Building vs Flat, Market Value of New Property, New Mover Demographic Profile (age, marital status, gender, race / ethnicity, presence of children, income, etc). Further down are a few examples on how to adjust marketing strategy and creative offers … relative to New Mover mailing list filters.
WHY BUY A NEW MOVERS MAILING LIST? A New Mover mailing list offers stunning sales potential when considering study after study shows that during 12 months following a move … new mover leads will spend significantly more money than non-movers. Along with the huge sales potential, another major reason to buy a New Mover mailing list is to gain an edge on the competition … being first in getting your brand and offer in front of new movers will give you that competitive advantage with forming a long-term customer relationship.
NEW MOVERS MARKETING LIST QUALITY GUARANTEE? Besides our 30+ years of experience and expertise with new mover marketing lists, DMDatabases offers the most contact data points and the best money-refund guarantee!
Full Contact Name: 95% accurate or money-refund
New Address: 95% accurate or money-refund
Previous Address: 95% accurate or money-refund
Opt-In Email: 95% accurate or money-refund
IP Address for Digital Banner Ad Campaign
Demographic Filters (age, marital status, gender, etc.).
NEW MOVERS MAILING LIST AVAILABLE FOR WHAT TIME PERIOD? Select your new mover mailing list for ANY custom date range. Target people that have moved during the past 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or even the past. Past year … isn’t that too late; nope, some new movers need months to re-build their savings for the big purchases that a new dwelling will require.
Local New Movers Mailing List (1 to 50 miles move): 15% of all new movers
Regional New Movers Mailing List (51 to 150 miles move): 10% of all new movers
Long Distance New Movers Mailing List (150+ miles move): 56% of all new movers
Uncoded: 19%
Moved from SFD to SFD: 32%
Moved from MFD to SFD: 12%
Moved from SFD to MFD: 26%
Moved from MFD to MFD: 12%
Uncoded: 18%
PRICE OF NEW MOVERS MAILING LIST? For the past 30 years DMD has been a market leader with New Mover marketing leads, and from these years DMD has developed an impressive economies of scale process … generating savings that are passed to our customers. For example, 5000 new mover leads will run only 9.5 cents per … while most other data sellers are promoting new mover leads at a significantly higher rate. And further discounts apply when a new mover mailing list is combined with other new mover marketing campaigns … such as a banner display ad campaign or email marketing campaign.
RENTERS + HOMEOWNERS: Note that along with new homeowners, the New Movers mailing list also includes renters that have recently moved. CLICK HERE if you are seeking a New Homeowners Mailing List.
GAIN A HUGE JUMP ON YOUR COMPETITION: Instead of waiting for the move to take place, you can start developing the customer relationship with our Pre-Movers mailing list. And once the move does take place, we can suppress the premover mailing list … since you’ll now have the new mover mailing list info.
CLICK HERE for more info on Pre-Mover Leads.
New Movers Email List: You may receive email addresses for new movers that moved 3+ months ago. And note that our consumer email lists have a 90+ percent accuracy rate or “money-refund!” When considering that New Movers will be on a spending spree for many months after their move-in date, a wise marketing strategy is to send customized offers every week or so.
Digital Ad Campaign to New Movers Marketing List: We will serve digital banner ads to your new movers marketing list. When your new mover leads are surfing the web from their home network, your ad will appear on many of the websites that the new mover leads are viewing. And to reiterate – the digital ads are only served to the households from your custom new movers mailing list. Along with display ad clicks, this low-cost digital campaign is also a sure way to boost your new movers direct mail list results and email open rates!
Facebook Ads to New Movers Email List: Along with email marketing – you can use our new movers email list to reach the same new mover leads on Facebook.
New Movers Mailing Lists: Unlike digital ad mediums (Google ad words, Google Search, Facebook, etc), direct mail offers a guaranteed way to get your brand/offer in front of new mover leads. With direct mail your offer will not have to compete against countless other competitive offers … with direct mail you have the undivided attention of the new mover lead. And unlike the digital route – direct mail also guarantees optimal market coverage of new movers. And to help boost results from your new movers mailing list – we can execute multiple digital ad campaigns in conjunction with the direct mail drop … synchronized campaigns will for sure boost your direct mail results.
- New Mover Age: No doubt new movers are big spenders, though it’s safe to surmise that a young married couple with children that is moving from an apartment to a SFD … will spend significantly more than an elderly couple that is moving from a SFD to a condo.
- New Mover Move Distance: Dentists, salons, accountants, churches, and others should devote less money in marketing to a “local” new mover … than a new mover that is from out-of-town.
- New Mover Marital Status: Upon moving to the new dwelling – a married couples will spend more than a single person.
- Dwelling Change: New mover leads that are moving from an apartment to a SFD will likely need to spend a significant amount to furnish the larger space.
- Move from Cold Weather State to Florida: Regardless of age or marital status – a move of this type implies a need for a range of products that were in short supply in the cold-weather state.