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Fitness Marketing Lists for Email Marketing, Direct Mail, SMS, Digital Fitness Campaigns!

After 35+ years of aggregating fitness data sources – DMDatabases proudly offers the largest mailing list - email list of fitness consumers. With our double-verified data you can reach these passionate fitness consumers via direct mail, Email, SMS or digital ads.  And this fitness marketing list offers an array of qualifiers for reaching your ideal fitness product buyers.  Lastly, as the market leader with fitness marketing lists, we can guarantee the lowest price when you buy an email list of fitness consumers.    

Customized Your Fitness Email List – Mailing List: Not all exercise enthusiasts are alike, thus we recommend using our extensive filtering menu to customize your fitness marketing list. Here are just a filters that you may use pinpointing your ideal fitness prospects: gender, income, net worth, age, single/married, race/ethnicity, occupation, estimated FICO score, car make, lifestyle interests (avid sports spectator, technology enthusiasts, stock investors, etc), frequent credit user (25x per month), upscale shopper vs bargain shopper, video gamer, etc.

Owners of fitness establishments is a unique way for building an avid exercise enthusiasts email list – fitness mailing list.
Athletic Trainers
Bicycle Store Owners – Managers
Dance / Gymnastic Instructors
High School Sports Coaches
Independent Gym Owners – Managers
Managers of National Fitness Chains
Martial Arts Instructors
Running Store Owners – Managers
Pilate & Yoga Studio Owners – Managers

Fitness Enthusiasts Mailing List Quantity = 20,000,000. Some may think the fitness mailing list quantity should be higher, thus note that this quantity is for avid exercise enthusiasts. People on this marketing list are dedicated fitness enthusiasts … many with gym memberships. Quantity is higher if seeking casual fitness enthusiasts. Though even the casual fitness mailing list quantity is not as high as some may think for the simple reason that most Americans do not exercise. According to the CDC Fitness Study, a staggering 80% of adults and 80% of high school students do “not” meet physical activity guidelines for aerobic and muscle strengthening activities.

Fitness Email List Quantity: 12,000,000. Note that this fitness email list quantity represents “one” email per household; quantity much higher if you wish to email your offer to multiple exercise enthusiasts that reside in the same household … which is very common when considering exercising is often a common theme among couples and families.

Fitness Marketing Database Source: The fitness marketing lists are compiled from online surveys, transactional data, subscription indicators, geo-locations frequency charts, and a plethora of niche data contributions.

Use our fitness enthusiasts mailing list to boost gym membership: First, don’t use zip codes to buy a fitness mailing list as some zip codes have odd shapes that can stretch too far from your gym; the better option is to use our rooftop geo selector that can identify gym membership prospects by “exact distance” from your gym … regardless of the zip code. Secondly, take advantage of our demographic menu to customize your fitness mailing list. Often gyms don’t have the budget to mail all potential fitness prospects that are within proximity to the gym, and for these cases we recommend using our avid fitness enthusiasts mailing list selector … which will let you focus your limited advertising dollars just on prime exercise enthusiasts.

Super charge your fitness enthusiasts mailing list with household size: One key to marketing success is REACH … the more people that can see your fitness offer … the better. Thus, it goes without saying that having four adults hold and see your fitness offer … will generate a higher ROI than if only one adult held and saw your offer. With this fact in mind, we recommend buying a fitness mailing list consisting of large households (4+ adults). Mailing a “large” postcard to these large households means multiple adults will see your offer. And on a side note, lets recognize the fact that unlike many offers, a fitness offer can appeal to most adults … everyone can use fitness.

When to buy a fitness mailing list versus a fitness email list?
1 adult in household … a fitness email list will generate the best ROI
4 adults in household … a fitness mailing list will generate the best ROI


Email Campaign to Avid Fitness Marketing List: We will email blast your offer to “qualified” fitness leads with a guaranteed email CTR (assuming offer/creative is approved). After the email campaign to your custom fitness email list, you have the option of receiving an email list of the fitness leads that clicked your email message.

Fitness Email List: You may also purchase the fitness enthusiasts email list if you wish to execute and control the email campaign. One major advantage of buying the fitness marketing email list is the unlimited usage benefit … the option to test multiple offers, subject lines, creatives, etc.

Digital Ad Campaign to Fitness Households: DMD will serve your digital display ads to household in which a minimum of 3+ individuals (age 18+) are physical fitness fanatics. The ads are sent to the home server, so anyone surfing the web from the home server may see your ad. Along with display ad clicks, this low-cost digital campaign can also compliment other marketing campaigns … a sure way to boost direct mail list results and email click rates!

Facebook Ads to Qualified Fitness Leads: Along with email marketing – you can use our fitness email list to reach the same “qualified” fitness leads on Facebook. We emphasize the “qualified” word because the Facebook platform doesn’t offer the extensive array of qualification filters for pinpointing your optimal fitness leads.

Fitness Enthusiasts Mailing List: Unlike digital ad mediums (Google ad words, Google Search, Facebook, etc), direct mail offers a guaranteed way to get your brand/offer in front of qualified fitness leads. With direct mail your fitness offer will not have to compete against countless other competitive offers … with direct mail you have undivided attention. Sure, direct mail can be expensive, but if your customers have a large LTV then direct mail will easily provide a multiple ROI. And to help boost results from your fitness mailing list, we can execute multiple digital ad campaigns in conjunction with the direct mail drop … synchronized campaigns will for sure boost your direct mail results.

Custom Fitness Marketing Lists:
Fitness App Users
Gym Membership Holders Email List
Homes beyond 30 minutes of the nearest gym
Households that frequently watch exercise and fitness shows.
Individuals following Fitbit on social media
Individuals following Peloton on social media
Individuals following running topics on social media
Individuals interested in Weight Strength Training
Likely Cross-Fit Gym Members Mailing List
Likely Home Gym Users Mailing List
Mailing List of Fitness Product Buyers (past 6 months)
New Homeowners – Great prospects for new fitness equipment – Click Here
Yoga Enthusiasts Email List – Click Here

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