Accredited Investors Marketing List for Email Marketing, Digital Ads, Mailing, Mobile Marketing

The largest and most verified investor leads database … created from 30+ years of experience in aggregating sources for identifying and enhancing investor leads.
Investor Email Lists … 95% accurate or money refund
Investor Direct Mail Lists … 95% accurate or money refund
Investor Phone Lists … 95% accurate or money refund
All accredited investors are prequalified – with a net worth of $1,000,000+ (excluding primary residence) and/or income of $200,000+ per year.
Algorithm data sources used to calculate accredited investors net worth – CLICK HERE
Ordering an accredited investors email list / marketing list with no qualifiers rarely provides success. Using psychographic / demographic qualifiers is the key to success … qualifiers that match your core customers. Extensive array of qualifiers is a primary reason we are a leading supplier of investor leads; here are just a few filtering options: exact age, net worth, home value, income, purchasing behavior, estimated investable producing assets, occupation, FICO Score, education level, auto type, and lifestyle interests are just some of the qualifiers available for pinpointing your security investors. Note that qualifiers can help you separate conservative investors from aggressive investors … long-term investors from short-term investors, etc. The right mix of qualifiers can double your investor email list response OPEN – CLICK-THROUGH rates. Qualifiers is the key to success! CLICK HERE to review available filters for pinpointing your optimal investor marketing leads.
Email Campaign to Investors Marketing List: We will email blast your offer to “qualified” accredited investor leads with a guaranteed email open rate (assuming offer/creative is approved). And after the email campaign to the accredited investors email list, you have the option of receiving an email list of the specific investor leads that Opened your email message … huge benefit since many of the email open leads can be converted into a customer with a just few more email offers.
Investors Email List: We can also provide the accredited email list if you wish to execute and control your own investor email campaign. And note that our accredited investors email list has a 90+ percent accuracy rate or “money-refund!” Of course, one major advantage of buying an investor marketing email list is the unlimited usage benefit … the option to test multiple offers, subject lines, creatives, etc.
Digital Ad Campaign to Investors Marketing List: We will serve digital banner ads to your accredited investors marketing list. When your qualified investors are surfing the web from their home network, your ad will appear on many of the websites that the accredited investor leads are viewing. And to reiterate – the digital ads are only served to households from your customized accredited investor marketing list. Along with display ad clicks, this low-cost digital campaign is also a sure way to boost direct mail list results and email open rates!
Facebook Ads to Qualified Investors Leads: Along with email marketing – you can use our accredited investors email list to reach the same “qualified” investors on Facebook. We emphasize the “qualified” word because the Facebook platform doesn’t offer the extensive array of qualification filters for pinpointing your optimal investor leads.
Investors Mailing List: Unlike digital ad mediums (Google ad words, Google Search, Facebook, etc), direct mail offers a guaranteed way to get your brand/offer in front of accredited investor leads. With direct mail your investment offer will not have to compete against countless other competitive offers … with direct mail you have the readers undivided attention. Sure, direct mail can be expensive, but if your customers have a large LTV then direct mail will easily provide a multiple ROI. And to help boost results from your investors mailing list – we can execute multiple digital ad campaigns in conjunction with the direct mail drop … synchronized campaigns will for sure boost your direct mail results.
Per Federal Reserve surveys – about 1.1 million US households have a net worth of $5,000,000+, so have caution with dubious data sellers claiming to have more names than the Federal Reserve numbers. In fact, our research shows that great majority of data sellers are labeling names as ultra-affluent when in fact the names are far-far from ultra-affluent; we find cases where some data sellers are labeling $750K households as $5,000,000+. Bottom-line, most data sellers are using very weak/inaccurate financial models when labeling names as ultra-affluent. On the other hand, very confidently claim that our ultra affluent leads are the most accurate on the market; quantity is not high … but the accuracy is high! In fact, one way to gain a sense of accuracy is to input the address into Google maps, and then click on street and/or aerial to get a view of the property … the image will often give a quick sense of wealth … and the accuracy our ultra-affluent leads.
CD Holders
Frequent buyers of luxury brands
High-end luxury car owners (cars valued at $100,000+)
Investors that invest in foreign assets
IRA Account Holder
Frequent Luxury Travelers – click here
Money Market Account Holder
Mutual Fund Account Holder
Online Traders
Owners of apartment complexes – click here
Owners of commercial buildings – click here
Real Estate Investors – click here
Timeshare Owners
Wealthy individuals with significant monthly rental income.
Owners of Financial Companies: 262,000
Top Executives in Financial Industry: 513,000
Commodity Brokers: 1,246
Investment Bankers: 2,934
Investment Managers: 4,522
Investment Securities: 18,457
Stock & Bond Brokers: 11,772
Mutual Funds Brokers: 3,015
Investors: 5,469
Real Estate Investment Trust Managers: 1,141
Oil Royalty Traders: 189
Security Brokers & Dealers: 62,258
Investment Clubs: 477
Venture Capital Companies: 1,483
Real Estate Investment Companies: 7,397
Chief Investment Officer
Investment Manager
Senior Investment Officer
Trust Investment Officer
VP of Finance
Director of Finance
Investment publications offer a guarantee way to reach hard core investors leads by security type:
AAII (American Association of Individual Investors) … this investment publication is not for novice stock investors, so if you’re seeking hard-core frequent stock investors then these subscribers are for you.
Active Paid Subscribers: over 147,000*
*94% are male and average age is 62.
*Direct Mail Data Only – No Email data
Rate is over 20 cents per name.
Bond investment subscribers: 22,014
Oil and energy subscribers 149,674
Hard Asset Traders (Base metals, precious metals, rare earth metals, etc): 137,000
Subscribers to Penny Stock Newsletter: 47,000*
*If seeking an aggressive investor mailing list then “penny stock investors” will work well for you.
Subscribers to Institutional Investors: 12,000
*Popular publication amount hedge fund managers, so no doubt this is your list if you’re seeking an accurate – bona-fide mailing list of hedge fund managers.
Below are the most popular magazines that accredited investors read.
Investor’s Business Daily
Bloomberg Businessweek
The Economist
*Note: All investment publications are for direct mail only – no email data.
*Note: All investment publications have a $1500 minimum order requirement.
Info Request Form
GEOGRAPHY: You can reach recreational vehicle owners (RV owners) with any geographic parameter. Example, you may use our radius tool to reach RV owners that are within X miles of the RV dealership.
PRICING: Pricing for a RV email list – mailing list is determined by quantity and filter. Example, the RV mailing list can run from 2 cents to 9 cents per name.
RV DATABASE SOURCES: The RV owners mailing list is compiled from RV dealer transactions, RV repair shops, RV warranty submissions, online surveys, publications, insurance quotes, and more. The RV data is then enhanced with a plethora of consumer demographics and psychographics.
RV DATABASE GUARANTEES: Your RV owner marketing database will have following guarantees:
Full Name of RV Owner … 95% accurate or money-refund
Postal Address … 95% accurate or money refund
Email Address … 90+ accurate or money refund
And all selected RV and demographic filters …
1) RV Owners Email List – DMD Executes: We execute your email campaign to “qualified” RV owners. After the email campaign, you have option of receiving a marketing list of the RV owner leads that Opened your email message … huge benefit since many of these email open leads can be converted into a customer with a just few more email offers.
2) RV Owners Email List – You Execute: You may buy the RV owners email list … IF you wish to execute and control your own email campaign. One major advantage of buying the RV email list is the unlimited usage benefit … the option to test multiple offers, subject lines, creatives, etc.
3) Digital Ad Campaign to RV Owners: We serve your digital ads to RV owners.
4) Facebook Ads to RV Owners: Along with email marketing – you can use the RV owners email list to reach the same RV owners on Facebook. We emphasize the “qualified” word because the Facebook platform doesn’t offer the extensive array of qualification filters for pinpointing your optimal RV leads.
5) RV Owners Mailing List: Unlike digital ad mediums (Google ad words, Google Search, Facebook, etc), direct mail offers a guaranteed way to get your brand/offer in front of qualified RV leads. Sure, direct mail can be expensive, but if your customers have a large LTV then direct mail will easily provide a positive ROI, Click Here for more info about ROI. Plus, we offer a direct mail campaign option that will cut your DM cost in half!