As with every product on earth, the cheapest product is not always the best value. Often buyers of business email leads are so focused on front-end pricing that the buyers forget that they are paying significantly more on the back-end for their business email leads. The front-end is all about pricing while the back-end focuses on results … number of email Opens and Clicks. In fact, for reasons cited on the business email list quality page, many of the low-price business email lists have horrendous back-end results … with some generating zero … literally zero email Opens.
The below tabulation gives an example of how 25,000 business email leads for just $500 … great bargain so it seems, BUT on the back-end the business email leads are a whopping $40 each.
A/B SPLIT TESTING: As shown in the above tabulation, a head-to-head test is the best way to compare pricing for business email leads … with net cost per lead determining the victor.
TYPICAL PRICING FOR QUALITY BUSINESS EMAIL LEADS: In general, “quality” business email leads will run between 10 and 20 cents per lead; of course, pricing is lower when purchasing a high quantity of business email leads.
LOW-COST BUSINESS EMAIL LEADS: With some basic $99 website scraping software, anyone can quickly compile a list of business email addresses … which is why new websites are frequently popping-up with super low-cost business email leads. The problem is the scrapped business email leads are a total waste of money; this link explains why. Bottom-line, we recommend great caution before buying business email leads priced below 9 cents per lead; demand a detailed money-refund quality guarantee BEFORE buying a low-cost business list!
OUR COST FOR BUSINESS EMAIL LEADS: For a business email list pricing simply complete the below Info Request Form, and be sure to indicate your target market and geography.