Higher Opens & Clicks … and Lower Spam Complaint Rate
Multiple studies and good reasoning clearly confirm that email recipients are more likely to interact with promotional email messages when aware of the sender’s name or brand. This is often referred to as “warming the prospect”. To help our email list buyers take advantage of this fact, DMDatabases offers a highly discounted display ad campaign to names on the purchased email list. This Pre-Email Display Ad Campaign offers the following major benefits:
Benefit #1, Clicks Before the Email Blast: The display ad campaign will drive some email recipients to your website before the email blast is even executed. This pre-emptive engagement can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your email campaign by familiarizing recipients with your brand beforehand.
Benefit #2, Build Awareness: The display ad campaign will make email recipients aware of the sender’s name, brand, and logo. By seeing your brand multiple times before receiving your email, recipients are more likely to recognize and trust your communication.
Benefit #3, Lower Spam Complaint Rate: Email recipients are less likely to click spam complaint when they are aware of the sender’s name or brand. This lower spam click rate will decrease the chances of issues with your email blasting account since some email blasting platforms will flag an account if the spam complaint rate is too high.
Benefit #4, Fewer Emails Diverted to Spam Box: ESPs (Gmail, Yahoo, etc) typically divert incoming email messages to spam box if the incoming emails have a high spam complaint rate. The Pre-Email Display Ad campaign will help minimize spam complaint rate … thus assuring more emails are delivered to InBox.
Benefit #5, Higher Email Open Rate: Email recipients are more likely to open an email message if they are aware of the sender’s name or brand. Recognizing the sender’s name can increase the open rates of your email campaigns, leading to better engagement and conversion rates.
Benefit #6, Higher Email Click Rate: Email recipients are more likely to feel safe with clicking links within an email message if they are aware of the sender’s name or brand. This increased sense of security can result in higher click-through rates, driving more traffic to your website and increasing the potential for sales.
TIMING: Recommended that the Pre-Email Display ad campaign is executed approximately 5 days before the email blast.
CREATIVE: It is recommended that the display ad contains elements similar to those in the email creative to ensure consistency and reinforcement of your brand message.
COST: The cost of the Pre-Email Campaign is driven by the quantity of the email list purchase. Higher the email list quantity … lower the cost per ad impression.
AD IMPRESSIONS: The minimum order requirement for the Pre-Email Display Ad campaign is 50,000 ad impressions, though clients may opt for a greater quantity, which is often recommended to maximize exposure and effectiveness.