Motorcycle Owners Marketing List for Direct Mail, Email Marketing, Digital Ads
For 30+ years – DMDatabases has offered THE largest motorcycle direct mail list on the market. And with the Motorcycle Database you have an array of filters for customizing your motorcycle owner marketing list. All motorcycle marketing leads are verified by a minimum of 2+ sources … very accurate data … which is why we confidently offer a detailed “money-refund” data accuracy guarantee.
Email Campaign to Motorcycle Owners Marketing List: We will email blast your offer to “qualified” motorcycle owner leads with a guaranteed email open rate (assuming offer/creative is approved). And after the email campaign to the motorcycle owner email list, you have the option of receiving an email list of the motorcycle owner leads that Opened your email message … huge benefit since many of these email open leads can be converted into a customer with a just few more email offers.
Motorcycle Owners Email List: We can also provide the motorcycle owner email list if you wish to execute and control your own motorcycle owners email campaign. And note that our motorcycle owner email list has a 90+ percent accuracy rate or “money-refund!” Of course, one major advantage of buying the motorcycle owner email list is the unlimited usage benefit … the option to test multiple offers, subject lines, creatives, etc.
Digital Ad Campaign to Motorcycle Owners Marketing List: We will serve digital banner ads to your motorcycle owners marketing list. When your qualified motorcycle owners are surfing the web from their home network, your ad will appear on many of the websites that the motorcycle owners viewing. And to reiterate – the digital ads are only served to households from your customized motorcycle owner marketing list. Along with display ad clicks, this low-cost digital campaign is also a sure way to boost direct mail list results and email open rates!
Facebook Ads to Qualified Motorcycle Owner Leads: Along with email marketing – you can use our motorcycle owners email list to reach the same “qualified” motorcycle owners on Facebook. We emphasize the “qualified” word because the Facebook platform doesn’t offer the extensive array of qualification filters for pinpointing your optimal motorcycle owner leads.
Motorcycle Owners Mailing List: Unlike digital ad mediums (Google ad words, Google Search, Facebook, etc), direct mail offers a guaranteed way to get your brand/offer in front of qualified motorcycle owner leads. With direct mail your offer will not have to compete against countless other competitive offers … with direct mail you have the motorcycle owner’s undivided attention. Sure, direct mail can be expensive, but if your customers have a large LTV then direct mail will easily provide a multiple ROI. And to help boost results from your motorcycle owners mailing list – we can execute multiple digital ad campaigns in conjunction with the direct mail drop … synchronized campaigns will for sure boost your direct mail results.
Motorcycle Owners Direct Mail List Quantity: over 8,000,000 motorcycle owners!
Harley Davidson motorcycle owners: over 3.5 million direct mail addresses
Honda motorcycle owners: over 700,000
Yamaha motorcycle owners: over 350,000
Suzuki motorcycle owners: over 300,000
BMW motorcycle owners: over 50,000
Use motorcycle data to customize your motorcycle owner email list –mailing list
Motorcycle Make
Motorcycle Model
Motorcycle Year
Motorcycle Odometer Reading
Motorcycle Purchase Date
Motorcycle Title Date
Motorcycle Own/Lease
Motorcycle Fuel Type
# of Vehicles in Household
Motorcycle Class/Style
Motorcycle Owners Marketing List Compilation Sources
Motorcycle data is aggregated from an extensive array of sources (online insurance quote forms, warranty providers, point of sale, service repair shops, etc). And of course, we also use motorcycle VIN data … meaning your motorcycle email list / direct mail list is accurate!
Motorcycle VIN data allows us to provide accurate motorcycle email list – mailing list

Character Position: 2nd & 3rd = motorcycle manufacturer
Character Position: 4th – 8th = motorcycle brand, engine size, type
Character Position: 9th = motorcycle security code
Character Position: 10th = motorcycle model year
Character Position: 11th = motorcycle assembling location
Character Position: Last 6 = motorcycle serial number
Use demographics to customize your motorcycle owner mailing list – email list
Age, Income, FICO Score, Gender, Race / Ethnicity, Occupation, Education Level, Net Worth, Number of Adults in Household, Spanish Speaking, Lifestyle Interests / Hobbies (golfer, tennis player, NASCAR fan, etc).
*Here are some top selling motorcycle owner mailing lists:
Seniors that own a motorcycle: over 1,000,000 direct mail names
Very Affluent Motorcycle Owners: over 300,000 direct mail names
Lawyers/Doctors that own a motorcycle: over 300,000 direct names
Veterans that own a motorcycle
BMW car owners that also own a motorcycle
Of course all sellers promise quality, BUT note that we support our promise with a “money” refund guarantee… not a “replacement” guarantee … a “money-refund” guarantee!
Motorcycle Clubs: 1,100
Sure, the quantity is low, but this small quantity has huge potential! Buying a mailing list of motorcycle clubs has immense power as the leaders of these clubs can share your offer with the motorcycle club members; your offer/brand could be posted on a bulletin board where the members would see your brand/offer. And note that we can help execute a low-cost direct mail campaign to these motorcycle clubs.
Easyriders Magazines Subscribers: 25,035
Subscribers to a publication that offers looks at Harley-Davidson’s bikes as well as choppers and huge hogs. 96% male; average age 41.
Motorcycle Cruiser: 16,284
Subscribers who enjoy classically styled bikes of all brands.84% male, 5% female; average age 50.
TransWorld Motocross: 20,209
Subscribers to a magazine that has something for everyone who loves motocross: race coverage, bike and product tests and reviews, rider interviews, amateur spotlights, scene reports and pro racer guest editorials. 80% male, 6% female; average age 21
Motorcycle owners mailing list … from popular motorcycle magazines:
American Motorcycle Association
American Rider
Hot Bike
In The Wind Magazine
Motorcycle Classics
Racer X
Sport Rider
The Horse, Backstreet Choppers
Transworld Motocross
V-Twin Motorcycles Magazine
Motorcycle Dealers: 5,404
Motorcycle Repair Shops (excl. above): 3,925
Motorcycle Supply Shops (excl. above): 1,135
Motorcycle Racing Tracks: 169
Motorcycle Rental: 123