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ATV Owners Direct Mail List = Best Response Rate!
The ATV, All-Terrain Vehicle Owners mailing list has millions of names, though direct mail success is not about quantity but pinpoint targeting. Thus, we recommend lowering your ATV owners mailing list quantity by using our extensive array of demographic and psychographic filters. Use filters to customize your ATV mailing list … to identify and reach your best All-Terrain Vehicle prospects.


Direct mail works! Sure, direct mail is expensive on the front-end, but on the back-end the ROI is positive … because direct mail generates higher response rates than any other medium. In one report, more than four out of five marketers said that direct mail delivers the best conversion and response rate. And 82% said they’re increasing direct mail spend for the coming year. Below are some reasons why direct mail works.


*1. Less Competition. Unlike years ago, mailboxes today contain less mail, thus your mail piece gets more attention - doesn’t get lost in the crowd. On the other hand, with digital your ATV offer must compete against the primary content that the viewer is reading … along with a flood of display ads.

*2. Longer Shelf Life: A digital ad disappears in a blink of an eye – while your direct mail ATV offer can linger for days on the coffee table. In fact, sometimes mail recipients will tape the offer to the refrigerator door … if there is a slight interest in the offer.

*3. Better Engagement: With digital the ATV owner must click the ad to engage, but with direct mail there is instant engagement … the ATV owner holds your tangible offer … instantly sees the captivating image and words.

*4. Uniqueness: This point is especially true with ATV owners below age 40. Surveys show that about 65% of Gen-Y and Gen-Z consumers are excited to receive direct mail … a break from their constant digital world. Direct mail is different, unique, and a daily source of discovery and respite.

*5. Reach: Unequivocally, your ATV owners mailing list will put your offer in front of significantly more ATV owners than any other ad medium. Sure, email marketing is effective, though the weakness is reach … as email addresses are only available for a small percentage of ATV owners. If you want to reach the maximum number of ATV owners … or potential ATV buyers … then direct mail is a must!

*6. Personalization: The ATV mailing list can be segmented by demographics which means you can tap the power of personalization … which will for sure boost your direct mail response rates. Example, the ATV image that goes to a potential ATV buyer of age 28 … should be different than the image that goes to a 50-year-old farmer. Same applies to a single male vs a married man with 2 kids; or a hunter vs a non-hunter that enjoys fast cars.

*7. Shareability: Unlike digital mediums, a direct mail piece can easily be shared with another household member, neighbor, co-worker, friend. In fact, the shareability rate can be significantly increased when the mail piece includes a referral bonus; referral tracking / crediting can easily be executed when using your ATV mailing list.

*8. Huge Open Rate: According to USPS and multiple independent surveys, direct mail has an open rate that exceeds 50% … exponentially higher than email open rates or the view rate with display ads. As for postcards, great majority of ATV owners will see the ATV image and headline … no other medium will come close to competing with the postcard view rate.

*9. More Trustworthy: Consumers are increasingly wary of scams and other fraudulent online offers, thus consumers have more trust with direct mail offers.

*10. Higher Response Rates: Due to above reasons … and other reasons … direct mail generates a much higher response and purchase rate than digital … there is just no comparison. Buying an ATV owners mailing list for a direct mail campaign is a smart marketing decision!


#1. Customize ATV mailing list by ATV Profile: Make, Model, Year

#2. Customize ATV mailing list by ATV Owner Demographics: Age, Gender, Marital Status, Occupation, Modeled FICO Score, Race/Ethnicity, Income, Net Worth, etc. Click Here for demographic listing.

#3. Customize ATV mailing list by ATV Owner Lifestyle Interests: Fishing Enthusiasts, Hunter, Gun Owner, Hiking Enthusiasts, Camping, NASCAR Follower, etc. Click Here for lifestyle interests listing.

#4. Customize ATV mailing list by ATV Owner Vehicles: Type of automobiles at household, RV ownership status, Motorcycle ownership status.

#5. Customize ATV mailing list by Geography: Entire USA, State, MSA, Region, County, City Name/Zip Code, Neighborhood, Distance from Store, Population (Urban, Suburb, Rural), Distance from ATV Dealership.


Often the goal is not to reach current ATV owners, but rather to reach non-ATV owners … reach new potential ATV buyers. With this goal in mind, we recommend our ATV Prospecting Model … which uses data on current ATV owners … to build a mailing list of ATV prospects.

CLICK HERE if you are seeking an ATV owners email list.

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