Aircraft owners marketing list for digital ads, email, mobile marketing, mailing.
Largest and Most Accurate aircraft owner email list and mailing list on the market!
For 30+ Years the Market Leader with Aircraft Owner Data.
All aircraft owner leads come with a detailed money-refund data accuracy guarantee:
Aircraft Owner Contact Name … 95+ percent accurate or “money-refund”
Aircraft Owner Direct Mail Address … 95+ percent accurate or “money-refund”
Aircraft Owner Email Addresses … 95+ percent accurate or “money-refund”
Email Campaign to Aircraft Owners Marketing List: We will email blast your offer to “qualified” aircraft owner leads with a guaranteed email open rate (assuming offer/creative is approved). And after the email campaign to the aircraft owners email list, you have the option of receiving an email list of the aircraft owner leads that Opened your email message … huge benefit since many of these email open leads can be converted into a customer with a just few more email offers.
Aircraft Owners Email List: We can also provide the aircraft owners email list if you wish to execute and control your own aircraft owner email campaign. And note that our aircraft owner email list has a 90+ percent accuracy rate or “money-refund!” Of course, one major advantage of buying an aircraft owner marketing email list is the unlimited usage benefit … the option to test multiple offers, subject lines, creatives, etc.
Digital Ad Campaign to Aircraft Owner Marketing List: We will serve digital banner ads to your aircraft owners marketing list. When the qualified aircraft owners are surfing the web from their home network, your ad will appear on many of the websites that the aircraft owner leads are viewing. And to reiterate – the digital ads are only served to households from your customized aircraft owners marketing list. Along with display ad clicks, this low-cost digital campaign is also a sure way to boost direct mail list results and email open rates!
Facebook Ads to Qualified Aircraft Owner Leads: Along with email marketing – you can use our aircraft owners email list to reach the same “qualified” aircraft owners on Facebook. We emphasize the “qualified” word because the Facebook platform doesn’t offer the extensive array of qualification filters for pinpointing your optimal aircraft owners leads.
Aircraft Owners Mailing List: Unlike digital ad mediums (Google ad words, Google Search, Facebook, etc), direct mail offers a guaranteed way to get your brand/offer in front of aircraft owners. With direct mail your offer will not have to compete against countless other competitive offers … with direct mail you have the aircraft owner’s undivided attention. Sure, direct mail can be expensive, but if your customers have a large LTV then direct mail will easily provide a multiple ROI. And to help boost results from your aircraft owners mailing list – we can execute a digital ad campaign in conjunction with the direct mail drop … synchronized campaigns will for sure boost your direct mail results.
Senior Aircraft Owner Leads – Age 60+: over 75,000 leads
Young Aircraft Owner Leads – Under Age 40: over 24,000 leads
Military Veteran Aircraft Owner Leads: 4,000 leads
Aircraft Owners that Play Golf: 21,000 leads
How many owners by type of aircraft?
How many owners by type of engine?
How many individual vs corporate vs LLC owners?
How many own 2+ planes?
Ancillary Mailing Lists:
Aircraft - Aviation Mechanics Mailing List: Over 300,000
Aircraft - Aviation Mechanics Email List: 150,000
AIRCRAFT OWNERS EMAIL LEAD QUANTITY: We offer more aircraft owner email leads than any other data provider. Plus, we offer the lowest cost per email lead … and will match any email list rate that matches our money-refund email list quality guarantee. And note aircraft owner email leads have a 90+ percent accuracy rate!
CORPORATE AIRCRAFT OWNERS: Of course many aircrafts are owned by companies, so note that we can provide the corporate address for these businesses. And in many cases, we can provide the email address of a key decision maker at the company (Owner, President, CEO, VP, etc).
INDIVIDUAL AIRCRAFT OWNERS: This group (over 150,000) consists of private airplane owners at “home address.” Many of our affluent marketers use this custom list to reach very affluent people.
Aircraft Type: Fixed Wing Single Engine, Fixed Wing Multi Engine, Rotocraft, etc.
Aircraft Manufacturer: Cessna, Piper Aircraft, Raytheon, Cirrus, Beechcraft, etc.
Number of Seats: 1, 2, 3, etc.
Year Manufactured.
Small businesses that own a private jet.
Private airplane owners list by net worth
Companies that own more than one private jet.
Non-Aviation companies that own a plane.
Corporate plane owners by # of employees at company.
Airplane owners mailing list by “owner’s age”
Flying Adventures Magazine: Subscribers to a magazine that provides safety and travel education to aircraft owners. 78% male, 19% female; average age 47.