UCC Sales Leads for Mailing, Email Marketing, Digital Ads
Over 4,000,000 UCC sales leads packed with firmographics that will help marketers buy the optimal UCC email list - mailing list that is customized to their specific specialty. And the UCC marketing leads are very competitively priced … with a money-refund data accuracy guarantee! And lets us emphasize that these are fresh UCC leads as the UCC mailing list is updated with new UCC leads every 30 days!
UCC Marketing Database may include following data:
Filing Date (Date UCC lien was filed with state or county office)
Secured Party Name
Secured Party Address
Debtor Name
Debtor Address
Debtor Phone
Collateral Type (Inventory, Equipment, Building, Receivables, Capital Stock, etc)
Key Contact Name & Job Title
Email Address of Key Contact Name (when available)
*Firmographics used in selecting UCC leads (business type, sales volume, # of employees, etc)
1) QUANTITY: Due to frequent importing - data acquisition of UCC filings from all states we offer the greatest number of UCC sales leads. The below tabulations give an idea of our UCC mailing list quantities for different firmographics.
2) FIRMOGRAPHICS: We offer over 50 different firmographics for ordering UCC leads. Below tabulations show the 4 most popular UCC list filters (employee size, sales volume, business type, # of UCC filings).
3) PRICING: Without a doubt our UCC mailing lists AND UCC email lists rates are lower than other UCC list sellers. In fact, we match all competitive rates … assuming competitive rate matches our money-refund guarantee.
4) GUARANTEE: Based on our review most UCC list sellers do not offer a clear and detailed money-refund data accuracy guarantee … which is paramount because UCC state registration files are loaded with errors … thus requiring extensive back-end cleansing and data enhancements … to make the UCC mailing lists applicable. Below is our guarantee for UCC marketing lists:
- Name of Key Decision Maker: 95+ percent accurate or money-refund
- Job Title: 95+ percent accurate or money-refund
- Email Address of Contact (when available): 95+ percent accurate or money-refund
- Company Address: 95+ percent accurate or money-refund
- Company Phone Number: 95+ percent accurate or money-refund
Below tabulation shows number of UCC leads by employee size:

Below tabulation shows number of UCC leads by sales volume:

Below tabulation shows number of UCC leads by # of company UCC filings:

Below tabulation shows number of UCC leads by business market