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Trucking companies email list, phone list, mailing list, digital list

Welcome to the largest marketing database of trucking companies … selectable by company sales volume, number of employees, years-in-business, and many other firmographics.

Local Transport Trucking Companies Mailing List: 165,000

Interstate Transport Trucking Companies Mailing List: 69,000

Local & Interstate Transport Trucking Companies Mailing List: 64,000

Trucking Companies email list quantity: 100,000+*
*Trucking email list quantity represents “one” key executive per company; higher email quantity if seeking multiple executives per trucking company.

NOTE: The Trucking Company Email list is not a list of truck drivers or independent operators but rather trucking companies … most with fleets. CLICK HERE if you are seeking a truck driver email list – email list of independent trucking operators.

Trucking company mailing list may include following data:
Company Name: 95% accurate or money-refund
Company Postal Address: 95% accurate or money-refund
Company Phone#: 95% accurate or money-refund
Company URL/Website Address: 95% accurate or money-refund
Company Fax#: 95% accurate or money-refund
Full Name of Key Decision Maker: 95% accurate or money-refund
Job Title of Key Decision Maker: 95% accurate or money-refund
Email Address of Key Decision Maker: 95% accurate or money-refund

Trucking companies mailing list is selectable by firmographics:
Sales Volume
Number of Employees
Primary Business Function
Secondary Business Function
Credit Rating (Low, Medium High)
Active UCC Lien on company
Minority Ownership
Presence of Website

Trucking companies email list compiled from:
Business Credit Reports
New Business Registrations
Online Surveys
Phone Directories
Public Directories
UCC Reports

Trucking companies database offers the following job titles:
Transportation Manager
Shipping Manager
Fleet Manager

Worldwide (excluding US): 1,800,000 company locations (postal addresses)
*932,000 with phone data
*The global trucking marketing list is selectable by country, sales volume, # of employees

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