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Hispanic business owners marketing lists for mailing, emailing, digital ads

Our Hispanic business owners mailing list quantity is growing every year, and this is not surprising when government statistics show that Hispanic entrepreneurs are starting businesses at a significantly faster than rest of business start-up population.  In fact, the US Small Business Administration indicates that 25% of all new businesses are Hispanic owned.  Bottom-line, our data aggregator team is capturing every new Hispanic business … giving you access to the largest mailing list of Hispanic business owners! 

Hispanic business owners mailing list quantity: 649,000

Hispanic business owners email list quantity: 254,000

Hispanic upper-level executive mailing list quantity: 4,000,000+
*includes: senior management, VPs, Directors, etc.

Hispanic executive email list quantity: 5,000,000+
*selectable by job title / job type.

Medical practices with Spanish speaking doctor: 251,000

Hispanic business owners with a net worth of $1,000,000+: 125,000

Hispanic business mailing list for companies with sales of $1MM+: 155,000

Mailing list of Hispanic business owners of businesses valued at $5,000,000+: 99,711


There are over 800 business markets, though per below chart note that 50% of all Hispanic owned businesses fall within just 22 of the 800 business markets.

Your Hispanic business owner marketing list may include following data AND quality guarantees:
Full Name of Owner: 95% accurate or money-refund
Company Name: 95% accurate or money-refund
Mailing Address: 95% accurate or money-refund
Phone Number: 95% accurate or money-refund
Email Address of Owner: 90% accurate or money-refund
*selectable by firmographics and demographics

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