College email lists for 5000+ courses & administrative job titles
3 reasons to use our collegiate email lists - mailing lists
SELECTIVITY: Our college mailing list – college email list includes a mind-boggling 5000+ class course titles and college administrative job titles. And along with ordering an email list of professors by subject taught, you may target by college type, degrees offered at college, enrollment size, minority percentage, faculty size, private vs public affiliation, average annual tuition, and more.
QUANTITY: The college mailing list – marketing database includes pertinent contact data for over 65,000 department chairs, over 100,000 Deans / Administrators, over 2,000,000 college faculty/professors.
QUALITY: Our college marketing lists are in a constant state of updating which is one reason we confidently offer a
detailed “money-refund” data accuracy guarantee .. an important distinction since most college marketing lists sellers offer a so-called “replacement” guarantee … meaning the college data seller will not return your money but will try to replace your bad records … often with more bad records. Not here – we will return money IF you find inaccurate data … that’s called quality confidence!
NOTE ABOUT PROFESSOR EMAIL LIST QUALITY: 100% email deliverability will still give you failure if your message is delivered to the wrong professor. We emphasize this point because many college email list sellers offer a guarantee for email list delivery rate … BUT not for job title – professor type accuracy. Whenever you buy a college email list be sure to conduct a “random sample” spot check to measure accuracy for professor subject/job title accuracy. Example, if you buy an email list of professors of mathematics, then we guarantee a 95% accuracy rate for the professor job title … or money-refund!
Below are just a few of the college email lists – mailing lists that we offer. As mentioned, our college marketing lists cover over 5,000 segments, so it’s best that you call and let us know the specific collegiate marketing list that you’re seeking, and we will quickly provide a college email list count and quote.
Accounting and Tax
Accounting Dept Chairperson
Adult Nursing
Advertising and Promotion
Advertising Design
Advertising Procedures
Aeronautical Engineering
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Engineering
Agriculture and Animal Science
Agriculture Graduate-Level Faculty
Airport Management
Alumni Affairs/Relations
American Government
American History
Animal Sciences Dept Chairperson
Appreciation of Film
Art and Architecture
Art Appreciation
Art History
Art History Survey
Artificial Intelligence
Associate Academic Officer
Athletic Director
Aviation Technology
Band and Ensemble
Basic Architectural Design
Bible Study
Bilingual Education
Biological Sciences
Blueprints - Construction
Bookstore Manager
Broadcast Communications
Business Dept Chairperson
Business Ethics
Business Information Systems
Business Law
Business Math
Business Writing
Calculus and Functional Analysis
Cell Biology
Chief Admissions Officer
Chief Information Systems Officer
Chief of Administration
Choir and Chorus
Church Administration
Classical Languages and Literature
Classroom Management
Clinical Dentistry
Clinical Health Education
Clinical Nursing
Clinical Psychology
Clothing and Fashions
College Algebra
College Athletic Administrators
College Bookstore Manager
College Cafeteria - Food Director
College Department Chairpersons
Communication Technology
Comparative Government
Comparative Literature
Comparative Religion
Composition and Writing
Computer Design
Computer Game Design
Computer Graphics
Computer Literacy
Computer Network Manager
Computer Programming
Computer Science Dept Chairperson
Computer Science Fundamentals
Computer Technology
Computer-Aided Drafting
Computers in Business
Construction Trades
Continuing Education/External Programs
Conversational Spanish
Criminal Law in Criminal Justice
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Curriculum in Special Education
Data Mining
Database Management
Database Organization and Design
Dean of Business
Dean of Education
Dean of Nursing
Dean of Student Affairs
Dental Science
Dental Surgery
Dental Technology
Dentistry Dept Chairperson
Developmental Reading
Developmental Writing
Direct Response Marketing
Disabled Student Services
Drawing - Basic
Early Childhood Education Dept Chairperson
Education Dept Chairperson
Educational Psychology
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Technology
Electronics Trades
Elementary and Early Education
Elementary Chinese
Elementary Spanish
Emergency Medical Technician
English as a Second Language
English Language and Literature
Enrollment Management
Environmental Health
Executive and Entrepreneurial Management
Experimental Chemistry
Expository Writing
Family Care Nursing
Fashion Design (in Fine Arts)
Fashion Marketing and Merchandising
Fashion Retailing
File Organization and Processing
Fine and Applied Arts
First Aid
Food Marketing
Food Science and Nutrition
Food Services
Food Services Trades
Foreign Languages and Literature
Fundamentals of Nursing
Graphic Design
Health Care Planning and Policy
Health Care Services Administration
History of Philosophy
History of Western Civilization
Hospitality Law
Human Resources/Personnel
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Technology
Intercultural Communication
International Marketing
International Trade Law
Intramural Director Mens
Introduction to Anthropology
Introduction to Biochemistry
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Chemistry
Introduction to College Math/College
Introduction to Computer Science
Introduction to Literature
Introduction to Microbiology
Introduction to Music
Introduction to Programming
Introduction to Social Psychology
Introduction to Theater Arts
Jewish Studies
Journalism Dept Chairperson
Laboratory Geology
Legal Environment of Business
Liberal Arts Mathematics
Life and Health Insurance
Mass Communication Distance Education
Maternity Nursing
Math Dept Chairperson
Math Fundamentals
Math Modeling
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Office Procedures
Medical Records Administration
Medical Surgical Nursing
Medical Technology
Medical Terminology
Microcomputer Applications
Military Science
Molecular Biology
Multicultural Education
Music Appreciation
Music Education
Music Literature
Native American Studies
Natural and Physical Sciences
Natural Sciences Dept Chairperson
New Testament Study
Nursing - Associate’s Degree
Nursing - Bachelor’s Degree
Nursing - Master’s Degree
Nursing Dept Chairperson
Nursing Graduate-Level Faculty
Nursing Non-Teaching Faculty
Occupational Therapy Dept Chairperson
Old Testament Study
Organic Chemistry
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Communication
Paralegal Studies
Patient Care and Management
Performing Arts
Personnel Management
Pharmacology for Nurses
Philosophy of Religion
Physical Education
Physical Plant/Facilities
Plant Sciences
Poetry Writing
Police Science
Political Communications
Principles of Ministry
Principles of Retailing
Probability and Statistics
Project Management
Property and Liability Insurance
Public Health Graduate-Level Faculty
Public Health Nursing
Radiologic Technology
Real Estate Advertising, Marketing, and Sales
Real Estate Analysis
Real Estate Finance
Real Estate Investment
Real Estate Law
Real Estate Management
Real Estate Sales and Sales Management
Real Estate Taxes
Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy
Religions of the World
Religious Communication
Religious Education
Risk Management and Insurance
Robotic Design and Control Software
Science for Nursing
Security/Safety/Campus Police
Small Business Management
Social Sciences
Social Work With the Elderly
Sociology Dept Chairperson
Sociology Distance Education
Sociology Graduate-Level Faculty
Sociology of the Criminal Justice System
Spanish Civilization and Culture
Spanish Language and Literature
Sports Broadcasting and Reporting
Sports Information
Sports Management
Statistical Computer Applications
Statistical Methods in Economics
Statistical Methods in Sociology
Statistics in Psychology
Student Affairs
Student Teaching (Elementary)
Survey of British Literature
Teaching English as a Second Language
Technology in Curriculum
Theater Arts and Drama
Truck Driving and Heavy Equipment
U.S. History Survey
Veterinary Sciences
Visual Communication
Vocational Education
Women’s Studies
World History