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400,000+ churches ... largest and most accurate church marketing list on the market!

400,000+ churches … THE largest church database on the market … aggregated from 30+ years of church data specialization. And church leads are selectable by church denomination type, church membership size, church start date, and much more.

CHURCH EMAIL LEADS… select by # of church employees, years-in-existence, and more.

PASTOR EMAIL LEADS … select by denomination type, church membership size, and more.

CHURCH EMAIL LEADS – PASTOR EMAIL LEADS: $875 Minimum order requirement.

DATA QUALITY – CHURCH – PASTOR EMAIL LEADS: Of course, all sellers promise quality, BUT note that we support our church marketing lists with a detailed a “money” refund guarantee … that is clearly described on website and invoice. Some dubious sellers offer a so-called “replacement” guarantee … tell-tale sign of low quality. Again, “money-refund” for all church email leads!


  1. JOB TITLE: Even with a perfect (100%) email delivery rate, church email campaign will fail if message goes to a non-decision maker (general info, prayer request, website manager, unknown job title, etc). With our church email lists we guarantee top level decision makers (Senior Pastor, Youth Minister, etc).
  2. BONA-FIDE CHURCHES: Even with a perfect (100%) email delivery rate AND right job title, church email campaign will fail if message goes to non-churches … such as religious schools, food banks, social service offices, religious bookstores, etc. With our church email lists we guarantee bona-fide churches … all double source verified!


    Canadian Churches
    Catholic lay leaders at “home address’
    Churches with email addresses (97,579)
    Churches under Construction
    Churches with bookstores / library
    Churches with Daycare
    Churches with PreSchool
    Churches with schools (over 20,000)
    Churches with Web Site (100,000+ names)
    Female Pastors
    Mega Churches (2000+ attendance)
    Religious Schools
    Churches with Youth Ministers
    Churches with Music Ministers / Directors

    IMPORTANT NOTE: … if you’re seeking an email list / mailing list of Households by Religious Affiliation.


    *Membership Size

    *Growing Churches
    Level of Growth
    Negative Growth

    Broadcast Ministry
    Cassette Ministry
    Children’s Ministry
    Deaf Ministry
    Drama Ministry
    Group Travel & Tours
    Men’s Ministry
    Mission Outreach
    Music Ministry
    Senior Adult Ministry
    Singles Ministry
    Small Group Ministry
    Vacation Bible School
    Video Ministry
    Women’s Ministry
    Youth Ministry

    *Attendance Size

    *Churches by Primary Ethnicity
    African American
    Native American

    Bookstore/Gift Shop
    Counseling Services
    Family Life Centers
    Kitchen Facilities
    Operates a School

    Church Marketing Lists By Number of Employees

    • 1 to 4 church employees = 318,000 churches
    • 5 to 9 church employees = 62,000 churches
    • 10 to 19 church employees = 20,000 churches
    • 20 to 49 church employees = 8,700 churches
    • 50+ church employees = 2,700 churches

    Top Selling Church Mailing Lists

    • Music Director / Music Minister: over 75,000 mailing list names
    • Churches with a school: over 20,000 school churches
    • African American Churches: over 20,000 mailing list names
    • Spanish Churches: over 12,000 Hispanic churches
    • Fast Growing Churches – 25+ percent growth: over 12,000 churches / mailing list names
    • Churches with sport teams: over 15,000 churches


    Adventist Denominations
    Advent Christian Church
    Adventists – Other
    Church of Other General Conference
    Seventh Day Adventists
    Seventh Day Church of God

    Baptist Denominations
    American Baptist Association
    American Baptist Churches/USA
    Association of General Baptists
    Baptist – Other
    Baptist Bible Fellowship
    Baptist General Conference
    Baptist Missionary Association of America
    Conservative Baptist Association
    Free Will Baptists
    General Assoc. of Regular Baptists
    General Association of Separatist Baptists
    Independent Baptist Churches
    National Baptist Convention of America
    National Baptist Convention – USA
    North American Baptist Conference
    Primitive Baptists
    Progressive National Baptist Convention
    Seventh Day Baptist Gen. Conference
    Southern Baptist Convention
    Southwide Baptist Fellowship
    United Baptist
    World Baptist Fellowship

    Brethren Denominations
    Brethren – Other
    Church of The Brethren
    Fellowship of Grace Brethren
    Old German Baptist Brethren Church
    United Brethren in Christ

    Catholic Denominations
    Convents / Rectories / Monasteries
    Liberal Catholic Churches
    Polish National Catholic Church
    Roman Catholic Church

    Christian (Churches of Christ) Denominations
    Christian – Other
    Christian & Churches of Christ
    Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
    Churches of Christ (Non-Instrumental)

    Episcopal Denominations
    Anglican – Other
    Anglican Episcopal of North America
    Anglican Orthodox Church
    Charismatic Episcopal Church
    Episcopal Church
    Reformed Episcopal Church
    Southern Episcopal Church

    Evangelical Misc. Denominations
    Evangelical – Other
    Evangelical Covenant Church
    Evangelical Free Church
    Federated Church
    Friends (Quakers)
    International Council Community Churches
    Metropolitan Community Churches
    Military Chapels
    Moravian Church In America
    Neighborhood Churches
    Non-Denominational Churches
    Schwenkfelder Church
    Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
    United/Union Churches
    Worldwide Church of God

    Holiness Denominations
    Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist
    American Rescue Workers
    Apostolic Christian (Nazarean)
    Bible Methodist Connection
    Christian & Missionary Alliance
    Church of Christ In Christian Union
    Church of God (Anderson, IN)
    Church of God (Holiness)
    Church of God (Independent Holiness)
    Church of God By Faith
    Church of The Nazarene
    Evangelical Christian Church
    Evangelical Church of North America
    Free Methodist Church of North America
    Grace And Hope Mission
    Holiness – Other
    Missionary Church
    Mount Calvary Holy Church of America
    National Association of Holiness Churches
    Pillar of Fire
    Rescue Mission
    Salvation Army
    Triumph The Church/Kingdom of God
    Volunteers of America
    Wesleyan Church

    Independent Fundamentalist Denominations
    Berean Fundamental Churches
    Church of The Open Door
    Fundamental Bible Churches
    Grace Gospel Fellowship
    Independent Bible Churches
    Independent Fundamental Churches
    Plymouth Brethren

    Jewish Denominations
    Conservative Jewish Congregations
    Jewish – Other
    Orthodox Jewish Congregations
    Reconstructionist Jewish Congregations
    Reform Jewish Congregations

    Latter Day Saints Denominations
    Church of Jesus Christ-Latter Day Saints
    Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ-Latter Day Saints

    Lutheran Denominations
    American Association of Lutheran Churches
    Apostolic Lutheran Church of America
    Association of Free Lutheran Congregations
    Church of Lutheran Confession
    Church of The Lutheran Brethren
    Danish Lutheran Church Abroad
    Evangelical Lutheran Church In America
    Evangelical Lutheran Synod
    Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church
    Lutheran – Other
    Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
    Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran

    Mennonite Denominations
    Amish (Mennonite)
    Brethren In Christ
    Church of God In Christ, Mennonite
    Conservative Mennonite Fellowship
    Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference
    General Conference Mennonite
    Mennonite Brethren Church
    Mennonite Church

    Metaphysical Denominations
    Christian Science Churches
    Church of Scientology
    Metaphysical – Other
    National Spiritualist Association
    Spiritual Science Churches
    Spiritualist Churches/Organizations
    Swedenborgian Churches
    United Church of Religious Science
    Unity School of Christianity

    Methodist Denominations
    African Methodist Episcopal Church
    African Methodist Episcopal Zion
    African Union Methodist Protestant
    Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
    Congregational Methodist Church
    Evangelical Congregational Church
    Evangelical Methodist Church
    Independent Methodist Churches
    Methodist – Other
    Primitive Methodist Church
    Reformed Zion Union Apostolic
    Southern Methodist Church
    United Methodist Church

    Miscellaneous Unclassified Denominations
    Baha’i Faith
    Buddhist Temples, Zen
    Hindu Temples
    Jehovah’s Witnesses
    Miscellaneous Eastern Religions
    Miscellaneous Cults And Sects
    Nichiren Shoshu Temple
    Non Classified Affiliation
    Sikh Society
    Tenrikyo Churches
    Unification Church
    Unitarian Universalist Association
    Yoga Institutes

    Orthodox Denominations
    Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America
    American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox
    Antiochian Orthodox Christian
    Armenian Apostolic Church
    Armenian Church of America
    Byelorussian Orthodox
    Eastern Orthodox – Other
    Greek Orthodox Church
    Orthodox Church In America
    Romanian Orthodox Episcopate
    Russian Orthodox Church
    Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church
    Ukrainian Orthodox Church

    Pentecostal Denominations
    Apostolic Church of Pentecost
    Apostolic Churches – Other
    Apostolic Faith Church
    Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church
    Assemblies of God
    Association of Vineyard Churches
    Bible Way Church of Lord Jesus Christ
    Calvary Chapel
    Christian Church of North America
    Church of God (Original)
    Church of God – Mountain Assembly
    Church of God – Other
    Church of God (Cleveland, TN)
    Church of God In Christ
    Church of God of Prophecy
    Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of Apostolic Faith
    Church of The Living God
    Church of The Lord Jesus Christ
    Church on The Rock
    Congregational Holiness Church, Inc.
    Deliverance Churches
    Elim Fellowship
    Faith Christian Fellowship
    Fire-Baptized Holiness Church
    First Church of Jesus Christ
    Full Gospel Fellowship
    Hall Deliverance Foundation
    International Foursquare Gospel
    International Pentecostal Holiness Church
    International Pentecostal Church of Christ
    Liberty Fellowship of Churches
    Maranatha Christian Churches
    Open Bible Standard Churches
    Pentecostal – Other
    Pentecostal Assemblies of The World
    Pentecostal Church of God
    Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church
    Seventh Day Pentecostal
    United Christian Church
    United House of Prayer
    United Pentecostal Church
    Victory Churches International
    Word Churches

    Association Reformed Presbyterian Church
    Bible Presbyterian Church
    Christian Reformed Church
    Churches of God (Findlay, OH)
    Congregational Christian Churches
    Conservative Congregation Christian Conference
    Cumberland Presbyterian Church
    Cumberland Presbyterian Church In America
    Evangelical Presbyterian Church
    Free Presbyterian Church
    Free Reformed Churches of North America
    Orthodox Presbyterian Church
    Presbyterian Church (USA)
    Presbyterian Church In America
    Presbyterian/Reformed – Other
    Protestant Reformed Churches
    Reformed Church In America
    Reformed Church In The USA
    Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
    United Church of Christ/Congregational
    United Reformed Churches In North America

    Info Request Form

    Type Of Data(Required)