Use the largest cell phone network to enhance your database.
CELL PHONE APPEND QUANTITY: Our cell phone append database is aggregated from over 100 data sources and growing. Our extensive cell phone network means our cell phone append quantity will surpass all others. If you’re seeking the maximum number of cell phone numbers than DMDatabases is for you!
CELL PHONE APPEND DISCONNECT GUARANTEE: We guarantee a 95+ percent connect rate for the cell phone append numbers … or money refund!
CELL PHONE ACCURACY GUARANTEE: A cell phone# that connects is still a waste if the cell# is for the person. We emphasize this point because some cell phone append providers use loose matching logic to boost mobile phone append rates … thus their profit. This loose matching logic means you’ll receive a wonderful high match rate … BUT cell phone numbers for the wrong people. To help measure cell phone append accuracy – we encourage marketers to include some inaccurate records in their file submission; if a cell phone is appended to some of the bogus records – then safe to conclude cell phone append provider was using loose cell phone append matching logic. DMD’s cell phone append services has a 98+ percent match accuracy guarantee!
CELL PHONE APPEND MATCHING PROCESS: An accurate and standardize postal file is one key to a high cell phone append match rate, thus BEFORE even beginning the mobile phone append, we will run your addresses through our address verification system … at no cost.
MOBILE PHONE DNC SUPPRESSION: Each week Federal and State DNC (Do Not Call) files are suppressed against our national cell phone append database. Unless you have a DNC waiver (political campaign, etc) we will only append cells that are “not” on DNC lists.
Phone append option1: we append cell phone when your cell data field is blank
Phone append option2: we append cell phone when our cell data is different than you cell data
Phone append option3: we code your cell numbers that matched the DNC files.
BUSINESS CELL PHONE APPEND: Millions of small businesses are operating from their cell phone and not a business landline, and this is especially true for specific business markets such as construction, transportation, landscapers, insurance, real estate, etc. And note that along with the business cell phone append service, we can also provide a business list with cell phones … businesses that do not currently exist on your marketing database.
REVERSE PHONE APPEND: For marketers that are collecting phone numbers at point of sale, we offer a reverse phone append service … where we provide contact name, postal address, AND email address by matching the phone number against our National Residential Database.
DEFAULT TO SPOUSE OR HOUSEHOLD CELL PHONE APPEND: In cases in which cell phone is not available for input name – we can append cell phone for the spouse – next adult within household. The household cell phone append default option is popular among insurance and financial clients … who have product offers that can be successfully presented to either spouse.
USE CELL PHONE APPEND FOR FACEBOOK MARKETING: You can reach your customers / leads on Facebook by simply uploading the mobile phone append numbers to the Facebook Ad platform. Our Facebook ad team can help if you decide to pursue this marketing option.
DISCOUNTED DEMOGRAPHIC DATA APPEND WHEN COMBINED WITH MOBILE PHONE APPEND: Per this link, as part of the phone append service we can append a wealth of demographic and lifestyle data to your database. Plus, per this link we can even provide a detail Profile Analysis that gives insights about your customers / leads.